Collaborative handling in the smart factory

Where full automation of production and assembly lines are efficiently useable to some extent, SCHUNK thinks that it will soon be common to separate sub-processes, and to devide the tasks between humans and robots. This particularly concerns applications, where the quantities for a fully automated solution are too low and for manual activity too big, or the parts variation for a manual activity is too low, and for a fully automated solution too big. HRC solutions offer decisive advantages in such a scenario: they increase productivity, allow a high degree of flexibility, and reduce the employee’s workload of previously non-automatable or ergonomically inconvenient, manual work steps. Moreover, the risk of injuries is reduced and in the case of reproducible processes, they can ensure a constant quality of work, independent of the operator’s daily condition. According to SCHUNK, autonomously operating cobots, will take over the ergonomically unfavorable or monotonous works in particular. Therefore the physical strain on the humans reduces, and, at the same time, the processes become more efficient, and the hand-in-hand work of humans and robot will increase flexibility. Specifically in the field of assembly applications, the number of robot-aided assistance systems will increase considerably in the view of SCHUNK.
Modular Co-act Gripper system
Within the broad initiative “Co-act,“ SCHUNK gives the required dexterity to modern HRC robots, and the company stays true to the idea of an universal modular system: No matter which robot type or manufacturer is combined with a SCHUNK HRC gripper, various fields of application could be covered. In this connection, SCHUNK considers itself as a pure component supplier but also as a driving force, an idea and know how supplier. With its in-depth knowledge, experiences of different industries and its contacts to the individual robot manufacturers and trade association, SCHUNK wants to accompany users and plant builders during the HRC projects time, remove obstacles, and implement the human/robot collaboration successfully. For this purpose, the gripping system specialist has systematically built up its consulting and information services and the interdisciplinary SCHUNK Co-act team of specialists has been formed that includes engineering department, product management, assembly and sales and department.
