At Ligna 2017 SCM presents the “Cell Lean 4.0”

Customised industrial production becomes a reality
At Ligna 2017 Scm Group presented the “Cell Lean 4.0” that meets the demands of customised industrial productions, by applying the concept of Industry 4.0.
The “Lean 4.0” is a cell designed to produce furniture parts. The system capacity is of about 8/10 rooms per shift. It is an automated system with absolute control of the whole process, from the standard panel to the finished piece. A solution with low operating costs because it is managed by a single operator, minimum handling that prevents production defects and a lean flow, without interruptions, blockages and unscheduled maintenance.
The system guarantees high quality results with low production costs, is extremely easy to manage even by only one non-expert operator and provides intelligent solutions. It can produce a wide variety of pieces, from standardised productions of ready to assemble panels to “batch one”. All thanks to the use of standard, absolutely reliable, high performing, easy to use and configure machines.

The “Cell Lean 4.0” consists of a Flexstore EL magazine that manages standard format panels. The orders arrive to the magazine from the computer and the production starts automatically, without losing any time with the set up. The Flexstore EL is supported by two units that operate simultaneously. For high quantities of panels there is the Scm Sigma 67 panel saw that cuts the pack. The CNC work centre for nesting productions, the SCM Pratix S, is used to produce more complex parts. The line features an anthropomorphic robot that, thanks to an advanced viewer, is able to recognise and select the part of the nesting panel and transfer it to the Solution XD edgebander. With the Mahros automated panel return function the Solution XD is able to edge band the piece on the requested number of sides and guarantees unquestionable levels of quality. At the edgebander outfeed the panel is transferred, by the robot once again, to the Cyflex HP boring unit, that completes the production of the requested piece. The process continues with roller conveyors that insert the pieces in a frame press used for the assembly.
This is made possible because the entire system is managed by the Maestro Watch software, that supervises the whole production, from launching the order to distributing all the programs to the machines. The Watch supervision system, typical of the Industria 4.0 concept, has been designed to be open to the client’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) computer systems.
A simple and functional solution thanks to the application of high technology, that allows the work flows and times to be calculated accurately, guaranteeing a quick and certain return on the investment. This system of cells fully responds to the OEE criteria (Overall Equipment Efficiency).
With this system of cells Scm Group provides an industrial solution to the issues of a custom production, meeting the requirements of companies that need to produce custom products quickly with a limited number of operators and with lower costs.
During Ligna 2017, the “Cell Lean 4.0” has been used to produce twenty five libraries that will be installed in the recently rebuilt schools in Central Italy, destroyed in the 2016 summer and autumn earthquakes. This operation was born from a project in collaboration with the Fondazione Francesca Rava that, the day after the terrible earthquakes, committed to the reconstruction of six schools in the areas affected by the earthquake. One school has already been completed in Arquata del Tronto and on 31 March an earthquake-proof elementary school for 225 children was inaugurated. To coincide with Ligna 2017 a secondary school and a nursery school will be inaugurated in Norcia. Thanks to this project, high technology has been put to the service of solidarity and the “Cell Lean 4.0” can contribute to providing a concrete help to those trying to get back to normal, especially children that more than anyone else have suffered and suffer the difficult conditions after the earthquake.
