Software AG Launches the Internet of Things Initiative Made in Digital Germany

Software AG announced the Industrial Internet - “Made in Digital Germany” initiative, designed to propel European manufacturing into the 21st Century. With over 50 percent of European Union manufacturing resources based in Germany, the country is ideally positioned to launch a continent wide digital transformation of the manufacturing sector, enabling European industry to maintain its global leadership position. Advising Europe’s extensive industrial base to deeply integrate their innovation capabilities with Europe’s IT sector, Software AG highlighted that we must build on our diverse European strengths to the benefit of the global digital economy.
Software AG CEO, Karl-Heinz Streibich said: “We don’t need to copy Silicon Valley. We already have a unique economic asset: our combined extensive manufacturing bases, engineering educational system and the world famous Mittelstand (SME network) - it is this asset which we must digitally transform to remain in the forefront of global industrial development. This can only be achieved through co-innovation: Europe’s leading software industry and industrial base working hand-in-hand to address today’s global digital services markets to the benefit of all stakeholders”.

Future industrial innovation, growth and profitability will primarily be driven by new digital services utilizing the intelligence built on digital sensors, real-time streaming analytics, historical data and Artificial Intelligence. Looking at the automobile industry alone the day is coming soon when digital devices, tools and software will account for 50-60 percent of the value of a car.
Pointing out that no single company will ever dominate the Internet of Things (IoT), Software AG demonstrates at CeBIT 2017 its Digital Business Platform including core IoT software services that allow enterprises to integrate, analyze and respond to the huge amounts of data needed to run smart businesses, smart products or smart factories; the next generation of IoT applications utilizing Artificial Intelligence already being rolled out.
“Software AG’s Digital Business Platform plays a major role at any point in the Industrial Internet where data, information and knowledge have the largest impact”, said Software AG CTO, Dr. Wolfram Jost. ”We operate at the interface between human and artificial intelligence, facilitating analysis and decisions where it adds most value. It is this flexibility and the ability to rapidly reconfigure that allows us to build an IT architecture for the unknown”. 
Software AG has made multiple Industrial Internet announcements over the last year from strategic customer partnerships such as Bosch’s Internet of Things cloud platform, OCTO’s revolutionary insurance telematics platform, faster decisions through real-time analytics at the edge of the Internet of Things with Dell, digital sensor management with Cumulocity to a strategic IoT technology alliance announcement with Huawei 
