Incredible: an icon draws the attention more than Industry 4.0 itself

In October 2016 I was attending in TTU - Tallinn Technical University a very interesting seminar on Industry 4.0. The seminar was organised by the Estonian Plastics Association and was held by a Swedish-German consulting group.
Very well done: a good introduction was followed by a deep analysis of Industry 4.0 and its possible effects in various industries.
At the end, the questions & answers session arrived. I heard only two questions. One was related to the possible effects of Industry 4.0 in the plastics industry. The answer given by the speakers was very good and detailed, in my opinion.
Then there was the second question. An important professor of TTU, that is also a Dean, asked why the speakers selected, in their ppt presentations, the following icon:

Image result for factory icon

"The students," he said, "could think that Industry 4.0 is something old, with much pollution, not very attractive".
The room was silent. Somebody was not interested to such a stupid question, somebody else was astonished and had no words. "What?" I thought, "Is this a question coming from such an important professor? Is he drunk or something?" Also the speakers were astonished, receiving such a low level question from a Dean, i.e. a professor who is responsible of giving right indications to students about their future. But the speakers were very capable. They probably met this kind of people in some other place and they could answer without offending the poor professor or boring the audience.
Conclusion: how was this possible? It was, believe me.
